Fill Your Pantry with Delicious, Nutrient-Dense Food Your Family Will Love

Get back your precious time by pressing the easy button on food preservation with The Abundant Pantry: Freeze Drying

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Fill Your Pantry with Delicious, Nutrient-Dense Food Your Family Will Love

Get back your precious time by pressing the easy button on food preservation with The Abundant Pantry: Freeze Drying

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I know you might be skeptical when it comes to freeze drying. I was too!

Tell me if any of this sounds familiar…

  • You really want the ease of preserving great food with a freeze dryer, but you’re worried the cost of a freeze dryer is not worth it and you’ll just be wasting money.

  • You’d like to save money and time by freeze drying your garden harvest, but you’re worried you’ll just end up spending the money you save on other freeze drying costs, like electricity and machine maintenance.

  • You really want a pantry filled with great, nutrient-dense foods that your family will love, but you feel trepidation about food safety. How will you know if a batch is really done?? And how do you store your freeze dried foods properly?? You don't want to make people sick by doing something incorrectly.

  • You would love to make great, easy convenience foods like lasagnas and chicken pot pies, but you feel anxious about properly rehydrating foods…it sounds complicated and exacting. After all, no one wants to eat mush!

Believe me, I had all these same concerns! In fact, I was a total skeptic when I first started freeze drying. But when I saw that using freeze drying gave me back literally hundreds of hours of my precious time, saved me money and maintained the nutrient density of our favorite foods, I went all in and made it my go-to preservation method on my homestead.

I know you might be skeptical when it comes to freeze drying. I was too!

Tell me if any of this sounds familiar…

  • You really want the ease of preserving great food with a freeze dryer, but you’re worried the cost of a freeze dryer is not worth it and you’ll just be wasting money.

  • You’d like to save money and time by freeze drying your garden harvest, but you’re worried you’ll just end up spending the money you save on other freeze drying costs, like electricity and machine maintenance.

  • You really want a pantry filled with great, nutrient-dense foods that your family will love, but you feel trepidation about food safety. How will you know if a batch is really done?? And how do you store your freeze dried foods properly?? You don't want to make people sick by doing something incorrectly.

  • You would love to make great, easy convenience foods like lasagnas and chicken pot pies, but you feel anxious about properly rehydrating foods…it sounds complicated and exacting. After all, no one wants to eat mush!

Believe me, I had all these same concerns! In fact, I was a total skeptic when I first started freeze drying. But when I saw that using freeze drying gave me back literally hundreds of hours of my precious time, saved me money and maintained the nutrient density of our favorite foods, I went all in and made it my go-to preservation method on my homestead.


The Abundant Pantry: Freeze Drying

Over 72 comprehensive video lessons that take you step-by-step through everything from setting up your freeze dryer and troubleshooting issues to the ins and outs of freeze drying fresh garden produce, eggs, dairy, complete meals and more.

With any new skill, there’s a trial and error process. Believe me, I’ve made some mistakes and ruined some entire batches! I’ve taken all the guesswork out of freeze drying by making those mistakes for you and putting everything I’ve learned into this self-paced masterclass. In addition to the videos, you get a complete, 166 page class workbook that includes complete pre-treatment and rehydration instructions for fresh fruits, veggies, herbs, meat, eggs, dairy, grains and so much more, best storage practices, cost breakdowns, the science and safety of freeze drying, getting to know your machine, and my golden rules of freeze drying for the best outcome!

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Here’s a Sneak Peek of What’s Inside…

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Welcome to The Abundant Pantry: Freeze Drying Class

  • What freeze drying will do for you!
  • How to use your class workbook
  • My favorite freeze drying supplies
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Understanding Freeze Drying

  • Understanding the Freeze Drying process
  • Golden Rules of Freeze Drying 
  • Freeze Drying Safety
    What you can (and can't) Freeze Dry

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Getting Familiar with your Freeze Dryer

  • Tour of your Freeze Dryer
  • Setting up your Freeze Dryer
  • Your Freeze Drying Menu
  • Your Initial Run and Pre-Run Checklist
  • Maintaining your Freeze Dryer
  • Understanding your Freeze Dryer's Energy Consumption
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Freeze Drying Walk Throughs

  • Fruit (Raspberries, Blueberries, Apples & Watermelon) 
  • Veggies (Shredded Zucchini, Easy Potatoes, Quick Broccoli &Superfood Greens)
  • Herbs (Culinary: Cilantro and Medicinal: Hyssop)
  • Liquids (Milk, Eggs & Broth)
  • Living Foods (Sourdough Starter, Yogurt & Probiotic Powder)
  • Meats (Raw Meat, Ground Meat & Sliced Meat)
  • Meals (Chicken Pot Pie, Chili & Lasagna)
  • Desserts (Berrylicious Cobbler, Cheeeeesecake Bites & Road Trip Ice Cream)
  • Candy (Skittles & Gummy Bears)
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Trouble Shooting

  • Error Codes
  • Demister Fogging
  • Backfilling
  • Power Outages
  • Incomplete batches or trays
  • Rehydration issues
  • Poufing
  • Messes in the machine
  • Machine Overheating

By The End of The Abundant Pantry: Freeze Drying You Will:


Have a fully stocked pantry filled with high quality food, including things like eggs and milk that are difficult to preserve any other way!

Quickly and confidently preserve your garden produce, farmers market haul or grocery store bargain to save money all year long.

Stash family favorites like chicken pot pie, lasagna and burritos on your pantry shelves for easy convenience meals later.

Have an abundance of healthy snacks your kids can grab anytime!

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By The End of The Abundant Pantry: Freeze Drying You Will:

Have a fully stocked pantry filled with high quality food, including things like eggs and milk that are difficult to preserve any other way!

Quickly and confidently preserve your garden produce, farmers market haul or grocery store bargain to save money all year long.

Stash family favorites like chicken pot pie, lasagna and burritos on your pantry shelves for easy convenience meals later.

Have an abundance of healthy snacks your kids can grab anytime!

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Success Stories

“Carolyn is an excellent teacher. I am thankful for all that she has contributed and continues to contribute to the homesteading and self-reliance community. The content grows your knowledge and confidence. What she teaches is accurate and well informed. But the best thing about her videos is that they feel supportive, and welcoming. You will feel like you are learning from an encouraging friend.” - Maria

“Homesteading family has really encouraged me to do more on my homestead and to take advantage of the space I have to do more! From growing medicinal herbs and garden vegetables to owning dairy animals and chickens and sooooo much more!I love all their videos and have learned a lot. I love that they cover so many topics that I always have questions about!” - Jessica

“Of all the media out there Carolyn’s content has always been one I can trust. It is very evident she goes above and beyond to educate and gives you the confidence to believe you can do this! I am so thankful for a peek into her homestead and for the wisdom she imparts in every video.” - Gina


Carolyn Thomas

I’m Carolyn Thomas! My husband, Josh, and I live on 40 acres in Idaho with our 11 kids where we grow, preserve, and prepare most of our own food right on our property.

As a young mom with a quickly growing family and a desire to feed them healthy, whole foods (even on a tight budget) I knew very quickly that we were going to have to figure out how to grow and prepare it ourselves…good food was just too expensive!

Freeze drying has quickly become my go-to preservation method in my homestead kitchen to fill my pantry shelves with our family favorites. I went from spending hours sweating over a hot pressure canner to cutting my preservation time in half and bringing nutritious meals to the table in minutes!

When I started freeze drying a few years ago, there was little to no information on the topic, and there was certainly nobody I knew that was using freeze drying in a practical, everyday way.

That’s why I created this class! You can skip right past the lessons I learned the hard way through messy mistakes and wasted food and get right into confidently creating shelf-stable meals, snacks and kitchen staples!


Carolyn Thomas

I’m Carolyn Thomas! My husband, Josh, and I live on 40 acres in Idaho with our 11 kids where we grow, preserve, and prepare most of our own food right on our property.

As a young mom with a quickly growing family and a desire to feed them healthy, whole foods (even on a tight budget) I knew very quickly that we were going to have to figure out how to grow and prepare it ourselves…good food was just too expensive!

Freeze drying has quickly become my go-to preservation method in my homestead kitchen to fill my pantry shelves with our family favorites. I went from spending hours sweating over a hot pressure canner to cutting my preservation time in half and bringing nutritious meals to the table in minutes!

When I started freeze drying a few years ago, there was little to no information on the topic, and there was certainly nobody I knew that was using freeze drying in a practical, everyday way.

That’s why I created this class! You can skip right past the lessons I learned the hard way through messy mistakes and wasted food and get right into confidently creating shelf-stable meals, snacks and kitchen staples!

Success Stories

“Homesteading Family is my go-to when I have questions about just about anything related to gardening, preserving, raising animals, or anything else homestead related. I trust Carolyn to share accurate information, so I don't have to wade through all the mis-information out there. I so appreciate her willingness to share so much of herself and her family with so many to help us all along on this journey and to create a community that can be challenging to find on our own. I can't recommend Homesteading Family highly enough.” - Kelly

“I have found that Carolyn’s master classes are easy to follow and have the nitty gritty details in a format that is both easy to understand and then readily available at your fingertips as you actually do what is being taught. I appreciate her for the time she puts into each of the classes' content…I have saved time and money by learning the easy and practical way of making life more self-sufficient. - Christopher
Carolyn amazes me at how much she accomplishes with her large family and homestead. She's one smart cookie to learn and then share her knowledge with us. I've baked bread and canned for years but there are still tricks to make things better.I'm looking forward to better utilizing my freeze dryer!
” - Becky

Get The Abundant Pantry:
Freeze Drying For Just $199

What’s Included

70+ detailed video lessons, including step-by-step setup instructions and complete batch walkthroughs for fruits, veggies, herbs, meats, meals, living foods (like sourdough starter and live dairy cultures), desserts and yes, even candy! 

24/7 Lifetime access! Watch over and over again, anytime!

166 page class workbook that includes complete pre-treatment and rehydration instructions for everything from garden produce, meat, eggs, dairy, grains and so much 

Complete troubleshooting section to confidently navigate any errors

BONUS! Exclusive discount on our favorite USA freeze dryer supplies

Full Payment


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