Reclaiming Your Sanity!
Household Management Class
Turn the chaos and the stress and the busy-ness of your household into peace and into something that just runs smoothly regardless of what's going on in your life.
BUY NOWWhat You’ll Learn
Everything you need to know to take control of your busy household once and for all
About the Household Management Class
In this class, I’ll walk you through the basic steps of creating a minimum household management system (that’s the least that can be done, while still completing the basics that you need to). Then we’ll create the systems to support that minimum household management system, and finish by learning how to absolutely thrive within that environment.
What You’ll Learn:
- How to have a productive morning on the homestead
- How to delegate which chores should go to your children
- How to keep your household running smoothly (even when Mom is sick or hardship strikes)
- How to keep up with the never ending laundry
Here’s Everything You Get!

Carolyn’s Favorite Make Ahead Breakfast Casserole Recipe eBook

17 Full Video Lessons About Household Management

Carolyn’s Printable Weekly
Household Planning
Sheet Printable
You’ll also get a 30 day, money back guarantee!
Meet Your Instructor
I’m Carolyn Thomas. My husband Josh and I live on 40 acres in Idaho with our 10 children where we grow, preserve, and prepare most of our own food right on our property.
As young parents with a quickly growing family and a desire to feed them healthy, whole foods (even on a tight budget) we knew very quickly that we were going to have to figure out how to grow and cook it ourselves.
But we didn’t have anyone around us that we could ask about how to make this homesteading thing work. We felt completely alone and scrambling for answers while dealing with the demands of life.
We were tired. We were overwhelmed. We never had enough time in the day to get everything done. How were we supposed to keep it all together?
The good news is that we figured out a way to not just survive, but thrive on our homestead. The secret to doing it all is having a management system in place and sticking to it.
When we first discovered this system, it completely changed how our house ran. Now, years later, with an even larger family and larger homestead, it is still working! It takes an incredible amount of skill, will and discipline to run a successful homestead and this class is one of the best ways to take control back!
Join me and I'll walk you through the basic steps of creating a minimum household management system (that’s the least that can be done, while still completing the basics that you need to). Then we’ll create the systems to support that minimum household management system, and finish by learning how to absolutely thrive within that environment.
This system changed my life and it will change yours too.

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