The Homestead Kitchen Membership

In-depth training, practical resources, and a supportive community of like-minded homesteaders to help you start THRIVING in your homestead.




Filling our

Feeding our

Changing our

Never Feel Alone as a Homesteader Again

I remember crying with my husband countless nights as a young homesteader, asking, “Where are all of the wise older homesteaders who can teach me?”

Enter Homestead Kitchen Membership! With online trainings, resources, and an INCREDIBLE community, you will go from overwhelmed and confused, to peaceful, prepared and organized as you get your household and your homestead running smoothly and your pantry filled. 

Join now to get the BEST PRICE EVER on the membership cost!


Everything You Need to Master Homesteading in the Kitchen!

Learn how to manage a peaceful, smoothly running homestead. From filling your shelves with easy meals, to stocking up cold and flu remedies, to mastering chores and assigning daily tasks, the Homestead Kitchen membership will help you master the skills of creating an efficient and well-run homestead.

Master the skills of canning, bread baking, home-dairy making, and herbalism… plus more! Learn the skills you need to live a more self-sufficient, resilient and healthy lifestyle, from Canning to Sourdough Bread to Herbalism.  

Connect with other like-minded students - Never feel misunderstood or alone  again...  Share your successes, your questions and your challenges with hundreds of other like-minded students in our (non Facebook) community!

Avoid HOMESTEAD overwhelm - Know what to do and when to do it as you follow a seasoned homesteader through her year with weekly Coffee with Carolyn videos.

Get full homestead support - With the help of talented and knowledgeable community members and moderators,  problem-solve all of your homestead and kitchen related challenges.

Start thriving in your homestead in three simple steps...

1. Join the Membership

2. Learn Homesteading Skills

3. Connect with the Community


Want a sneak peek? Here’s what you’ll get inside the Membership!

All of Homesteading Family Courses!

That’s right, you get access to every single one of our premium courses, including The Abundant Pantry: Canning, Art of Homemade Bread, Practical Homemade Dairy, and more!

Brand New LIVE Canning Challenge

Together we are going to put at least 21 complete meals on our pantry shelves while learning to use our pressure canner!

Community with other Homesteaders

Join hundreds of like-minded homesteaders who are ready to support you as we all journey towards greater self-sufficiency together, one project at a time!

Get Weekly Live Support from Carolyn

Every week, you’ll be able to join Carolyn live within the community to connect with Carolyn, get your questions answered, and enjoy the community.

Imagine hitting that five o’clock hour rested and organized. You are feeling excited to gather your family and friends around a table that is filled with home grown and home-prepared foods. 

The Homestead Kitchen Membership is THE OPPORTUNITY to stop scrambling and to start THRIVING on the homestead. 

Jump right now into the membership at the BEST PRICE that will ever be offered!


Meet the Homesteading Family


We’re Carolyn and Josh Thomas!  We live on 40 acres in Idaho with our 9 children where we grow, preserve, and prepare most of our own food right on our property. 

As young parents with a quickly growing family and a desire to feed them healthy, whole foods (even on a tight budget) we knew very quickly that we were going to have to figure out how to grow and cook it ourselves... good food was just too expensive!

But we didn’t have anyone around us that we could ask about how to make this homesteading thing work. We felt completely alone and scrambling for answers while dealing with the demands of life.

We didn’t want others to have to go through the same struggles we experienced, so we created Homesteading Family.

As the years have passed we have had an opportunity to speak into the lives of more and more families… And while we are so blessed to get to help others, we also know that this is just the beginning… and now it is time to take the next step.

Homestead Kitchen Membership will help you transform your home from a consumer based home into a productive and healthy home, alongside hundreds of other like-minded homesteaders!

We hope you join us and can’t wait to see how your homestead grows.

Join the Homestead Kitchen Membership today!


Join the Homestead Kitchen Membership for $32/month or $320/year

What’s included in the membership?

In short, everything we have to offer!

You get Access to all of the Homesteading Family Classes including:

• The Art of Homemade Bread

• The Abundant Pantry: Canning

• Herbal Medicine Cabinet: COLDS and FLUS

• Practical, Homemade Dairy

• Wild Milk

• Fearless Fermenting

• Baking with Home Milled Flour

• Preserving Eggs

• and more!

Online Community to support ALL of the Homesteading Family classes

‣ Coffee with Carolyn videos - weekly videos with Carolyn to guide you through your homestead year.

‣ Homesteading Family’s Video Vault - a curated collection of Homesteading Family’s Videos


(Billed Monthly)

‣ One flat monthly fee for THOUSANDS of dollars of training and resources!




(Billed Annually at $320)

Get two months free with an annual subscription!




Spend less time on your homestead and more time on the things you love – like gathering around a full table of healthy, home cooked food with your family and friends.

With the Homestead Kitchen Membership, you’ll finally gain the skills, knowledge, confidence, and support you’ve been missing as a homesteader.

Together we will be:
Filling our Pantries, 

Feeding our Families, 

& Changing our Culture